answer "Install Software button on Home card?" with "OK" or "Cancel"
if it is "Cancel" then
exit mouseUp
end if
set lockmessages to true
choose button tool
click at location of me
doMenu Copy Button
go home
doMenu Paste Button
set the name of button "add to home" to "Software"
set loc of button "Software" to 358,250
play harpsichord "ee c"
answer "Drag the Software button to the desired location"
wait until the mouse is down
set hilite of button "Software" to true
repeat until the mouse is up
set loc of button "Software" to the mouseLoc
end repeat
set hilite of button "Software" to false
set script of button "Software" to empty
set script of button "Software" to "on mouseUp" && return && "visual effect iris open" && return && "go to stack Software" && return && "end mouseUp"
choose browse tool
go back
play harpsichord "ee c"
set lockmessages to false
end mouseUp
-- part contents for background part 20
----- text -----
This hypercard stack was created to keep track of all those programs that you've been downloading.
You type in the diskette number, a general description, and then list your files on the scrolling field.
Just start by playing with the various buttons to see what they do .
This stack can be modified anyway that you like.
If you are interested in more stacks or would like customized stacks, write to:
Stephen R. Casella
c/o Gromults
15 First Street
Unit #9
Stamford, CT 06905.
If you just want a diskette full of stacks, send $15.00.
-- part contents for background part 21
----- text -----
This hypercard stack was created to keep track of all those files that you've been downloading. Type in the diskette number and brief description. Then, in the scrolling field type in the files that you would like to keep track of.
If you would like customized stacks or a diskette full of stacks, write to:
Stephen R. Casella
c/o Gromults
15 First Street
Unit #9
Stamford, CT 06905
A diskette full of various stacks is $15.00.
Enjoy !
-- part contents for background part 22
----- text -----
This hypercard stack was designed to keep track of your files and diskettes.
Type in the diskette number, the disk label information. You then type the filenames in the scrolled field at the right.
If you like, want or need stacks, send $25.00 to:
Stephen R. Casella
c/o Gromults
15 First Street
Unit #9
Stamford, CT 06905
I will send you a diskette with some very worthwhile ones, i.e. no junk!